Friday 19 November 2010

The Night Shift

Finished November 16
The Night Shift: Real Life in the Heart of the E.R. by Dr. Brian Goldman
This book by Canadian E.R. doctor Brian Goldman, who also does the CBC Radio Series "White Coat, Black Art" is done in an interesting way.
It is structured around one night shift, with each case that comes in linking to other cases in the past. Goldman has changed names and identifying information to protect patients' privacy. Each case has both its medical and human elements and Goldman recognizes each. He also recognizes that doctors and nurses are also human and admits to his own failings and how he learned from them.
The hospital he works at is Toronto's Mount Sinai and he references other doctors' experiences to show differences in the cases that come in to different hospitals based on their location and specialties. I found the book fascinating not only for its behind-the-scenes scenarios, but also for the openness and insight that Goldman brought to it. He is a doctor always trying to improve and help others to improve, including his patients. He touches on many topics that relate to medicine, from ethics to technology, and makes it make sense to a layperson. This is a great and engaging read and I highly recommend it.

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